Humanitarian Efforts

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  • "Modern-day humanitarian effort is a wonderful manifestation of the charity that burns within the souls of those whose hearts are tender and whose hands are willing to help. This selfless service truly demonstrates the pure love of Christ" (H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop of the Church).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides aid and assistance to those in need all around the world. All of these efforts are grouped into one foundation known as LDS Philanthropies, which coordinates all of the funds donated to the Church for humanitarian service.

Most of the funds donated to LDS Philanthropies are given by members of the Church. Members have been taught that Christ was the perfect example and that He provided service and help to those in need. The scriptures state that charity is the pure love of Christ, and those who express charity in their daily lives can find peace and happiness (see Moroni 7:47).

Gordon B. Hinckley, President of the Church, has made the following comments about the Church's humanitarian efforts:

I am deeply grateful that as a Church we are extending humanitarian aid when there is sore distress. We have done a great deal and have blessed the lives of many people who are not of our faith but who also are children of our Father. We will continue to do so for as long as we have the means. To all who have contributed to this effort we express our thanks (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Thanks to the Lord for His Blessings,” Ensign, May 1999, 88).
Now, as a Church we have worked with others in lifting the sorrow and sufferings of those who are in distress. Our humanitarian efforts have literally blessed the lives of countless thousands not of our faith. In the terrible tsunami disaster, and in other disasters incident to conflict, disease, and hunger, we have done a great and marvelous work assisting others without worrying about who gets the credit. In February of this year the president of the American Red Cross presented to the Church the Circle of Humanitarians Award, which is the highest honor given by them. It is in recognition of the effort of the Church to extend the vaccination against measles to thousands and thousands of young people.... Countless lives have been saved, and much pain and misery have been avoided ... To the extent made possible by resources which come from the generosity of our people, we are reaching down to lift those in distress. Surely the Lord is blessing us as a people, and we must reach out to bless His needy wherever they may be (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Closing Remarks,” Ensign, May 2005, 102).

The Church's efforts through LDS Philanthropies include Humanitarian Services, as well as programs to help people around the world attain better educations (such as the Perpetual Education Fund) and find employment opportunities in their area.

LDS Humanitarian Services

Humanitarian Services is just one branch of LDS Philanthropies. The Church throughout its history has always provided for those in need, but the first permanent humanitarian organization of the Church was created in 1955 at Brigham Young University. The Presiding Bishop of the Church, H. David Burton, who has the responsibility of overseeing LDS Philanthropies said,

Present priorities include care of the world's poor and a greatly expanded employment support to elevate men and women from circumstances of need to the blessings of self-reliance. Gifts, bequests, and endowments for these initiatives extend personal reach around the globe to help victims of disasters, homelessness, hunger, and disease. Teachers receive needed training, facilities, textbooks, and supplies, weapons in their war against ignorance, poverty, and hopelessness. Orphans and street children find relief from the daily struggle to survive. Job training opens doors of opportunity. Micro-enterprise turns ingenuity into prosperity. Jobs appear where there were no jobs before. The unemployed find stability; the underemployed begin to realize their greater potential and create the surpluses that transform them from receivers to givers. These are effective opportunities, those that build lives. In caring for the world's poor and assisting with employment needs, we focus on actions that are both effective and cost effective. These two criteria ensure opportunities to give with confidence (H. David Burton, "Presiding Bishop's Report," 2005).

Within Humanitarian Services there are specific organizations to which individuals can donate time, money, or supplies:

  • Emergency Response
  • Wheelchair Distribution
  • Clean Water
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Training
  • Vision Treatment Training.

Money and items can also be donated to the Humanitarian General Fund where the money or supplies are then given to an area that is in need.

Emergency Response is the part of the Church’s humanitarian efforts that most people are aware of. Funds and supplies in this area are used to help victims of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, tornados, and hurricanes, as well as other disasters due to wars or political unrest. Supplies in this area are gathered and stored before a crisis so that supplies can be sent within literally hours of an emergency. Volunteers are also on call so that if they are needed they can be reached and organized within a few hours.

Wheelchair Distribution is also crucial to helping those in need. Studies estimate that only one percent of people in the world who are physically disabled have a wheelchair. For the rest, being without a wheelchair means that adults cannot provide for themselves or their families, and children are often unable to attend school. By providing wheelchairs to those in need, the Church is able to give the lifelong gifts of self-reliance, education, and even self-respect.

The Clean Water service provides clean water and wells to people who otherwise would most likely contract deadly diseases because of polluted water. Studies estimate that nearly 3 million people, mostly children, die each year from diseases related to unsanitary water.

The Neonatal Resuscitation program sends doctors and volunteers to areas where infant mortality rates are high. They are able to teach people in the area how to resuscitate newborns as well as provide simple medical equipment. This service is greatly needed as it is estimated that 120 million newborns each year suffer from asphyxia during birth. Nearly 90,000 of these infants die because those who care for them have not been trained how to resuscitate them.

The Vision Treatment Training program teaches facilities and medical personal in developing countries how to treat preventable or reversible blindness. There are 45 million people in the world who are blind, and in developing countries being blind often means poverty. Saving a person's sight may very well save them and their families.

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