2012 Pew Report:Mormons in America

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Mormons in America
Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

On January 11, 2012, the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life released a groundbreaking new survey, the first ever published by a non-LDS research organization to focus exclusively on members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their beliefs, values, perceptions and political preferences. [1] The Pew Forum titled the survey, "Mormons in America: Certain in Their Beliefs, Uncertain of Their Place in Society." During the 2011 campaign for a Republican candidate for president, members of the Church of Jesus Christ, who are often referred to as Mormons, came under the spotlight for better or for worse. Journalists began to call this the "Mormon moment."

The "Mormon Moment" has included the presidential candidacies of Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, Jr. with the ensuing press coverage; unflattering presentations of Mormons in various television shows; an obscene award-winning Broadway musical about Mormons; and a sophisticated ad campaign launched by the LDS Church to show what Mormons are really like. One journalist called the mostly anti-Mormon commentary "the last acceptable bigotry." No one seemed to mind (except for Mormons, of course) that prestigious publications unleashed unsubstantiated diatribes against the Church of Jesus Christ, consistently twisting the doctrines of the LDS Church.

"While this survey comes amid a contentious election campaign, it is not solely or even chiefly about politics," said Luis Lugo, Pew Research Center director, in the published survey's preface. "Rather, we hope that it will contribute to a broader public understanding of Mormons and Mormonism at a time of great interest in both." [2]

The Pew Forum Survey on Mormons in America

The Pew Forum survey was conducted between October 25 and Nov. 16, 2011, among a national sample of 1,019 respondents who identified themselves as Mormons. Some long-held ideas about Mormons were substantiated by the survey, while some results were surprising. While American Mormons tend to be politically and socially conservative, they go against the norm by manifesting compassion for immigrants and putting a great amount of value on service to the poor and needy.

The survey upheld the findings that (unlike virtually every other religion) Mormons who are most active in their faith tend to be the most educated. Although the Church of Jesus Christ is a global church, in America, the population of the Church tends to be mostly white and mostly educated. Other findings include the following:

  • 80 percent said "believing Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ" is essential to being a good Mormon.
  • 73 percent said "working to help the poor" is essential to being a good Mormon.
  • 51 percent said "regular Family Home Evenings."
  • 49 percent said "not drinking coffee and tea."
  • 32 percent said "not watching R-rated movies."
"To be honest, I found the strong sentiment that 'working to help the poor' is essential to being a good Mormon refreshing and a little surprising," said David Campbell, an LDS Church member who is an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame and who consulted with the Pew Research Center on the new survey. "As a Mormon, I would hope it would be that way, but I wasn't sure what to expect. It's good to see the church's genuine compassion for the poor and needy reflected in these numbers."

The above results show that the most outward and obvious traits that set Mormons apart from the general population (avoiding alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea, and choosing wholesome entertainment) are not the most important aspects of Mormonism. Spirituality, beliefs, service, family, and covenants, not so readily apparent, are central to Mormon identity.

The report asked Mormons to reflect upon how they are viewed by others, and the results showed that Mormons know they are misunderstood:

  • 62 percent of Mormons think that Americans are generally uninformed about Mormonism.
  • 68 percent feel that they are not viewed as part of mainstream American society.