Official Websites of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sponsors many websites for the benefit of Church members, news media, and others who are interested in learning more about the Church. You can tell if a site is from the Church because it will have the Church logo. Individuals and Church units (wards, stakes, missions, etc.) are not authorized to use the logo on anything they create.
In an effort to reflect the full name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and better convey the faith’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ,,, and other Church communication channels have made changes. In the letter titled, "Using the correct name of the Church," the First Presidency wrote, "Jesus Christ is at the center of His Church and we will be blessed as we strive to make Him the center of our lives."
The following are the websites owned and managed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often referred to as "the Mormon Church."
Main Resources for Information about the Church
• The content on this site is intended primarily for Church members. The site’s home page provides features on new content, as well as links to all other Church sites. From the home page, people can access scriptures, lesson materials, Church magazines, senior leadership talks, ideas to strengthen families, information on chapel locations and meeting times, local congregation websites, and much more. This site serves as an umbrella site for many other Church sites. To find materials in a specific language, go to
• This is the Church’s outreach site, dedicated to helping the general public understand the basic beliefs and practices of the Church. Information is provided in a simple format, avoiding the use of words and terms that may only be familiar to members of the Church. Features include summaries of basic beliefs, a link to find a nearby Church meetinghouse or congregation, and the ability to ask questions in a live chat with a Church member.
• Jesus Christ: This multimedia website features articles, video clips, artwork, an interactive music page, and other sections—all focused on the life, ministry, and divinity of Jesus Christ. The site is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about Jesus Christ. The document The Living Christ can be accessed directly at
Other Church websites offering information, news, and services
• 80th Anniversary of Deseret Industries: Home to information about the history and work of Deseret Industries.
• Abuse: Help, Healing, and Protection: Help for those who have been abused is available here.
• Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program: for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee, tea, pornography, inappropriate sexual behavior, gambling, codependency, and eating disorders. The program is a Latter-day Saint adaptation of traditional 12-step programs that have been used successfully for years. Family Services runs these groups to assist individuals who desire freedom from addiction and a better life through gospel fellowship.
• Addressing Pornography: This site provides resources for individuals, spouses, parents, youth, and leaders on how to avoid pornography or overcome the effects of its use.
• Adoption Services: Part of Family Services, this website provides information for couples seeking to adopt and individuals considering placing a child.
• Church Employment Opportunities: Information on Church employment opportunities.
• Church History Library: This website is the central location for online materials related to the history of the Church.
• Church History Museum: In addition to information about exhibits and art competition, links are included to other related sites, such as Church History Library, Church History Sites, The Joseph Smith Papers, Church Historian's Press, Early Mormon Missionaries database, Church History catalog, and the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel database.
• Church Newsroom: This site is the Church’s news resource for media professionals, opinion leaders, and the public. The site provides news stories and editorials that are updated two or three times a week, along with official Church statements on public issues or responses to news reports about the Church. Short biographies of senior Church leaders are provided, as well as concise reference material on Church beliefs and practices. The Newsroom site also identifies Church spokespersons and explains how to contact them.
• Come, Follow Me: Includes Come, Follow Me lesson manuals, instructions, songbooks, stories, and topics.
• Country websites: Links to all the Church’s regional websites. Under the direction of Area Presidencies, many country or area websites have been created as an internet presence of the Church in various places around the world. The content of regional websites varies but may include such information as reports of Church activities, messages from the Area Presidency, announcements and reports of special events, and local church history, news, and calendar items.
• Create and Share Your Media Talents: A place to share your photos, video, music, and other media with the Church and other members.
• Daughters in My Kingdom: Access to text and PDF versions of the book Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society.
• Deseret Industries: This site provides information about the Deseret Industries program, including volunteering, donating, rehabilitation services, helps for Church leaders, and the Community Partnership Program. You can also find store locations and hours.
• Disability Resources: This website has been created to answer questions individuals may have regarding how to offer support, comfort, and an increased understanding and acceptance toward persons with disabilities. The site also contains information on general disabilities and some of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, families, and Church leaders.
• Education: This page provides information about educational resources, such as the need for education and literacy, Seminary and Institute of Religion programs, Perpetual Education Fund, and information about Church schools (BYU, BYU Hawaii, BYU Idaho, BYU Pathway Worldwide, and Ensign College [formerly LDS Business College]).
• Employment Opportunities: For Latter-day Saints to search for jobs, find information about schools, connect with job seekers, and learn how to help those in your ward or branch who are looking for employment. Available in several languages.
• Ensign Magazine: Issues of this Church magazine published from 1971 through 2020, is available here. See Liahona for the magazine that continued in place of the Ensign.
• Family Home Evening: Resources for Family Home Evening are found on this website.
• Family Search: This is the genealogy (or family history) site for the Church and constitutes one of the largest genealogical resources in the world. For both the experienced and novice family history researcher, this site provides access to census indexes, vital records, user-submitted pedigree charts, and much more. The site is connected to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and provides locations of family history centers of the Church across the globe.
• Family Services: This site provides information about services provided by Family Services, including counseling and addiction recovery programs for addictions with substance abuse, pornography, gambling, etc. Family Services helps Church leaders care for individuals with social and emotional challenges by providing resources that are in harmony with gospel principles.
• For the Strength of Youth: This site features the current issue of the magazine as well as archives of previous issues in text and PDF formats. It also contains additional features that supplement the print magazine.
• Friend Magazine: This site features the current issue of the magazine as well as archives of previous issues in text and PDF formats. It also contains additional features that supplement the print magazine, such as new features and games.
• General Conference: This site contains archives in text, audio, and video of the general conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in many languages. Find audio and video in English back to 1971 and music from conferences back to 2006. Also, find information on upcoming conferences and links to access the live audio and video streams of conferences.
• Gospel Topics: This site provides an alphabetical list of topics related to the doctrine, policies, history, and practices of the Church. Most entries include a brief summary, a more in-depth explanation, related scriptures, related articles from Church magazines, and additional online resources related to the topic.
• Hastening the Work of Salvation: provides information and helps for priesthood leaders, for ward councils and ward mission leaders, and for members and missionaries.
• Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program: for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee, tea, pornography, inappropriate sexual behavior, gambling, codependency, and eating disorders. The program is a Latter-day Saint adaptation of traditional 12-step programs that have been used successfully for years. Family Services runs these groups to assist individuals who desire freedom from addiction and a better life through gospel fellowship.
• Historic Sites: Provides a list of Church History Sites and includes information about the site, maps, and how to plan a trip to the site.
• Humanitarian Service: This site provides information about the Church’s various worldwide humanitarian initiatives, including emergency response, measles vaccinations, neonatal resuscitation training, clean water projects, and more. The site also provides answers to frequently asked questions and gives information on how others can help.
• Indexing: Volunteer to help digitize and index Church family history resource records. Available in multiple languages.
• Inspirational Messages: The site gives information on how to subscribe through channels that provide daily inspirational messages.
• Joseph Smith: The site is the central location for online historical information about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Resources include chapter-by-chapter accounts of his life, descriptions and slide shows of related historic sites, images of historical documents, a multimedia resource center, and much more.
• Joseph Smith Papers: The site of The Joseph Smith Papers, a comprehensive edition of extant Joseph Smith documents featuring complete and accurate transcription with both textual and contextual annotation. When completed, The Joseph Smith Papers will consist of more than 30 published volumes within six series (journals, documents, revelations and translations, history, legal and business records, and administrative records). They will present the earliest handwritten and published texts of the foundational documents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including Joseph Smith’s revelations and translations.
• JustServe: As an online hub for posting projects, the Just Serve website will become a portal for anyone who has a willingness and desire to serve . . . and help in building the kingdom of God.
• Languages: This provides a list of languages, with links to online resources in those languages.
• Latter-day Saint Charities: The purpose of the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to relieve suffering, foster self-reliance and provide opportunities for service.
• Liahona Magazine: This site features the current issue of the magazine as well as archives of previous issues in text, audio, and PDF formats. It also contains additional features that supplement the print magazine. In January 2021, the Liahona became the Church's magazine for all adult members around the world.
• Books and Lessons: Access to Church lesson manuals and books in text and PDF formats. Some are also available as free downloadable audio files. See also Come, Follow Me.
• Media Library: Download gospel art images, Church history pictures, photos of temples, and more.
• Mental Health: Resources and help about depression, sadness, eating disorders, sexual abuse, schizophrenia, and suicide. Includes in-depth video interviews with members who struggle with these issues.
• Messages: is a video channel on YouTube of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This site provides a simple way to watch and share brief, gospel-centered videos. The channel is updated each week with new videos that teach basic beliefs of the Church, including stories of hope and inspiration.
• Mormon New Era Messages: An archive of videos from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints YouTube channel, featuring videos from the New Era, a newly retired magazine for Latter-day Saint teens. Some are videos based on New Era MormonAds.
• Music: This site contains links to all the music and music-related resources that the Church has placed online. Along with sheet music, resources include an interactive music player to play, read, or transpose hymns and children’s songs. Access learning materials on conducting music, accompanying others, teaching songs to children, adding variety to singing, and learning music symbols and terms. Site visitors can search for songs with a variety of keywords, and songs can be downloaded as MP3 files.
• New Era Magazine: This site features archives of previous issues in text and PDF formats.
• [ This site features information and resources for learning about and visiting Historic Nauvoo, Illinois, and Carthage Jail.
• Newsrooms of Members of the Church Around the World: Contains news stories from the Newsroom's 80 international Newsroom websites and from around the United States.
• New York and Pennsylvania Historic Sites: This site provides information and resources for learning about and visiting its historic sites in New York and Pennsylvania.
• Online store for Church products and materials: This site is the online catalog for ordering Church materials such as books, manuals, magazines, forms, audiovisual materials, clothing, and more. The site is equipped with a shopping cart that allows visitors to select multiple items to purchase. Along with pricing information in various local currencies for many countries throughout the world, the site includes a picture and description of each item. The site also lists physical stores (distribution centers) worldwide.
• Philanthropies: Philanthropies (formerly known as LDS Philanthropies), a department of the Church, oversees philanthropic donations to the Church’s educational institutions, as well as other initiatives such as Church history, humanitarian aid, missionary work, the Perpetual Education Fund, and temple construction. This site describes the needs being addressed and how donations can be made.
• Addressing Pornography: Protection, Help, Healing: This is a website that helps families and individuals, spouses, families, and leaders seeking healing, forgiveness, protection, and power in overcoming pornography.
• Preach My Gospel: The entire manual of Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is available here.
• Prison Ministry Site A new Prison Ministry website available through and the Gospel Library app offers guiding principles for ministering to incarcerated individuals and their families. Resources are also available for individuals and families affected by crime and incarceration, emphasizing the love and mercy that comes through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
• Provident Living: This site contains information regarding self-reliance, emergency preparedness, and humanitarian efforts. Resources range from information on family budgets and food storage to updates on ongoing global initiatives and emergency disaster response. Many of the welfare tools were designed for Church members, but much of the information is useful to the general public.
• Relief Society This site provides training and information for leaders and members of the Church’s Relief Society organization, as well as access to many Relief Society materials online.
• Saints Channel: is the media channel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It publishes inspirational videos, live video events, podcasts, and blog posts. It is available online, mobile app, connected TV devices, and radio.
• Same-Sex Attraction: "Love One Another: A Discussion on Same-Sex Attraction" contains text and videos about same-sex attraction. Additional policy and doctrinal statements about the subject can be found on
• Scriptures: This site provides the online text and audio of the scriptures: the King James Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The study helps such as the Bible Dictionary, Guide to the Scriptures, Joseph Smith Translation, and maps are also included. The site has a search tool with multiple options. The site also allows users to mark/bookmark and save favorite scriptures. provides information on the new Latter-day Saint edition of the Holy Bible in Spanish.
• Self-Reliance Services: Self-Reliance Services are a resource available to stakes and districts, often within an existing family history center or in a meetinghouse. They provide internet access, mentoring, and other resources to job seekers, the self-employed, and prospective students.
• Senior Missionaries: Explore mission opportunities for senior missionaries.
• Service Missionary: Information about opportunities for serving a Church-Service mission is available here.
• Strive to Be: Strive to Be is the youth channel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
• Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square: This site contains all the latest information on events, tickets, and recordings related to the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square (formerly known as the "Mormon Tabernacle Choir"). Site visitors will also find links to frequently asked questions, broadcast text from Music and the Spoken Word, background information about the choir, and a sign-up screen for a free newsletter. The site is also the ideal place to learn more about the Temple Square Chorale and the Orchestra at Temple Square. For information about Music and the Spoken Word, the longest-running, uninterrupted radio broadcast of inspirational messages and music, go to Music and the Spoken Word.
• Temples: This site provides a list of all the temples of the Church. Each listing includes an image of the temple, its schedule, its address, and driving directions. This site also includes answers to frequently asked questions and an explanation of the purpose of temples and family history work. See Temple Open House to reserve tickets for temple open houses.
• Web Braille for Church Content: A list of Church publications in digital braille format. They are downloadable and printable.
• Children and Youth: This site is designed to provide information for children and youth ages 7 to 18 and their parents and leaders about the Church's Children and Youth program. The site includes videos, personal stories, news, activities, planners, guidebooks, music, and other resources for the program.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Facebook
First Presidency on Facebook:
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Facebook:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Instagram
First Presidency on Instagram:
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Instagram: