Emily Bleeker: Mormon Author

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Emily Bleeker Mormon Author

Emily Bleeker’s journey to becoming a published author happened after she survived a bout of a rare form of cancer. At the age of 25 she was diagnosed with a tumor in her leg and was given a 30 percent chance to live to the age of 30. When she turned 30, she set some goals: run a 5K, learn to play a new instrument, and write a novel. Although she taught academically talented and gifted courses, which included writing workshops where she’d write along with her students, she did not feel confident in her writing. But working to accomplish her goal built her confidence.

Her first book, Wreckage (2015) was a Whitney Award finalist in the general book category. Her second book, When I’m Gone (2016)was also a finalist. It became a Wall Street Journal bestseller. She is also the author of Working Fire (2017) and The Waiting Room (2018). Her books are contemporary adult fiction; Working Fire is more of a thriller.

“Everybody has secrets in their lives,” she said in a Deseret News interview. “Those fascinate me. Those are really what my books center around: what secrets we have and what we do to keep them hidden.” She also likes to focus on relationships.[1]

Emily lives with her four children in suburban Chicago and is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.