Missionary Work 3: American Sign Language, South America, Hungary, England, and India

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Reaching the Deaf with American Sign Language

Mormon ASL

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been providing American Sign Language (ASL) translation for more than 30 years. Now it is increasing its efforts to provide Church documents, pamphlets, manuals, and videos in ASL to aid the deaf as they learn the gospel.

“Creating and translating disability resources is an ongoing effort,” said Katie Edna Steed, disability specialist manager for the Church. “We recognize we still have a long way to go, but we are committed to increasing the disability resources available to Latter-day Saints around the world.”[1]

Experts follow the same process for ASL translation as they use to translate into any other language.

Although many Deaf people read and understand written English, ASL does not follow the same sentence structure that English does. Rather, it follows the pattern of most romantic languages. For this reason, printed material and closed captioning services do not always provide the Deaf with clear understanding. [2]

Some deaf people read English very well, while others prefer to actually read ASL. Written ASL is more like a romance language than pure English, and uses more imagery. Many deaf people feel the Holy Spirit more easily when reading ASL.

“The Book of Mormon translation into ASL has made a huge impact on the Deaf community in terms of being able to learn and have access to the gospel.

ASL is just one of many sign languages used throughout the world. Most languages—and even countries—have their own sign language. Eventually, the goal is to translate church materials into the various worldwide sign languages, beginning with ASL. The patterns established will help make translating into other sign languages more efficient.

To begin, translators transform English sentences into a series of keywords and symbols. The symbols indicate what types of emotions and movements that the signer should make to convey the meaning of the words. This translated piece is called a gloss.
The gloss is then put on a teleprompter, and a native Deaf signer is filmed signing what is indicated on the screen. The end result is a visual product that Deaf people can watch.
The growing list of materials available in ASL includes items like the Book of Mormon, selected hymns, the Gospel Principles manual, general conference, and many other faith-building films, pamphlets, and documents.

A general list of Church resources in ASL is found at ChurchofJesuschrist.org and here. A list of accessible formats is available here.

These products are useful both to deaf and hard of hearing members of the Church of Jesus Christ and their families, and to missionaries who teach deaf or hard of hearing investigators.

Church Growth in South America

More and more people in South America are converting to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since the Church built its first Latin American temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1978, 21 additional temples have been built, were announced, or are under construction in Brazil. Among Latin American nations, the largest increase in Church membership during the past 10 years has been in Brazil, increasing from 1.17 million members in 2011 to 1.46 million at the close of 2021, which is the most recent numbers published.

In South America, temples are also located in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Equador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

The Church of Jesus Christ builds temples based on the number of Latter-day Saints living within a certain geographic area, so the construction of new temples means the church is growing. The goal of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to make temples easily accessible to all members of the Church.

"It is very exciting because when a new temple is announced, it indicates there is a real growth happening, not just in numbers," said Brad Wilcox, who served two volunteer missions in Chile, once as a child and once as an adult. "A new temple reflects a growth in meeting attendance, tithe paying and overall spirituality." [3]

The growth of the Church is occurring throughout Latin America, which includes Mexico and countries in Central America and the Caribbean—one of the reasons why there are more members of the Church of Jesus Christ outside the United States than in it. "Latin America . . . can be defined as all those parts of the Americas that were once part of the Spanish, Portuguese or French colonial empires, namely Spanish America, Colonial Brazil and New France."[4]

Mexico remains the Latin America nation with the most Church members, at almost 1.5 million. Brazil has the second most, followed by Peru, Chile, and Argentina, according to statistics available on Church ofJesusChrist.org.

Other Church temples in Latin America include Costa Rica (1), Dominican Republic (1), El Salvador (1), Guatemala (6), Haiti (1), Honduras (2), Mexico (24), Nicaragua (1), Panama (1), and Puerto Rico (1).[5]

Much of the growth in membership is driven by missionary work, and Latin America is as a field ready to harvest.

In 2018 Church President Russell M. Nelson called the first Latin American Apostle, Elder Ulisses Soares. When Elder Soares made his first apostolic trip to South America in 2018, he traveled home to Brazil. Fittingly, his senior companion was President M. Russell Ballard, grandson of Elder Melvin J. Ballard. Church News writer Jason Swensen referenced Elder Melvin J. Ballard’s 1925 dedication when he described Latin America’s growth:
Almost a century has passed since a latter-day apostle, Elder Melvin J. Ballard, prophesied that South America “is to be a power in the Church.”
Since that time, millions, from Colombia to Argentina and several nations in between, have joined the Church. Temples dot the continent. Hundreds of stakes have been formed.
It’s tempting to say Elder Ballard’s words are fulfilled.
But such a comment would be only a half-truth. The prophecy of South America, according to one of Elder Ballard’s apostolic successors, continues to be fulfilled. Its true power has yet to be realized.
South America “is the setting for one of the leading extended congregations in the Church and will continue to be so,” said Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Much of the present and the future Church growth will focus on all of Latin America.”[6][7]

Recognition of Church of Jesus Christ in Hungary

In February 2012, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was added to a list of eighteen faiths formally recognized by the new coalition government of Hungary. [8] Latter-day Saint missionaries have been proselyting in the country without formal government recognition since 1986. The recognized churches include Buddhist and Islamic groups, as well as Christians. Under this a new law that took effect that year, only 14 Christian and Jewish congregations were granted official status. This latest action expands that list to 32 churches, although a total of 82 churches, congregations and religious groups petitioned Parliament for formal recognition status. One of the purposes of the law is to block business ventures posing as churches.

The new list of officially recognized churches was approved by a two-thirds majority of the Hungarian Parliament. Sixty-six other petitioning religious groups were rejected, which means they will be allowed to function as associations in Hungary and can reapply for recognition next year. "Formal recognition gives churches tax-free status, qualifies them for government support and allows them to collect donations during services and do pastoral work in jails and hospitals," the Associated Press reported.
Although LDS missionaries began proselyting in Hungary as early as 1885, few converts joined the church during those early years. A branch of the church was established in Budapest in 1976, but the branch was disbanded two years later due to government restrictions. Missionaries were allowed to work in the country again in 1986, and on June 1, 1988, the church was given full recognition by the government. The first Hungarian meetinghouse was dedicated in 1989. The Hungary Budapest Mission of the LDS Church was created in 1990, and the Book of Mormon was published in Hungarian in 1991. At that time, there were about 75 members of the church worshiping in several small congregations. Fewer than 15 years later, church membership in Hungary had grown to 4,147. In 2006, the Budapest Hungary Stake — an ecclesiastical unit consisting of a number of congregations, similar to a Catholic diocese — was created.[9]

In September 2023, President Katalin Novák, president of Hungary, met with the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints and the governor of Utah during a visit to the state. She also spoke at the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies at Brigham Young University.[10]

175 Years of Latter-day Saint Missionary Work in England

Festivities near the Preston England Temple held in 2012 marked the 175th anniversary of Latter-day Saint missionary work in England. Approximately 10,000 people were expected to attend a commemorative concert in July 2012 at Avenham Park. In 1837 seven missionaries dispatched by the Prophet Joseph Smith, including Apostles Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde, landed at Prince’s Dock in Liverpool and made their way to Preston by the River Ribble.

About 8,000 onlookers greeted these missionaries and thousands of converts were won by early missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ. The early converts had been counseled by Church leaders to gather to the United States and subsequently to Utah Territory. They gathered in droves, and became the backbone of the Church of Jesus Christ, lending strength during times of bitter persecution, the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the building of Zion in the west.[11]

Since 1837 the Church has retained a presence in Preston. In fact, the Preston Ward is the oldest continuously functioning unit of the Church in the world. Almost 100 years after those first missionaries, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, who became the 15th President of the Church, was himself a young missionary in Preston, walking the same streets and preaching from the same obelisk in Preston’s marketplace as had Elder Heber C. Kimball.[12]

In 2021, three members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, who also served as missionaries in England, gathered together to minister throughout Great Britain. President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, along with Elders Jeffrey R. Holland and Quentin L. Cook, met with missionaries and members of the Church. Elder Cook is a descendant of Heber C. Kimball.

Church News, "Members Celebrate 175 Years of the Church in Britain"
Church Newsroom, "Three Latter-day Saint Apostles Begin Visit to Great Britain"
Church News, "Returning to their ‘spiritual home,’ 3 senior Apostles reflect on lives ‘anchored in the British Isles’ as full-time missionaries," by Sarah Jane Weaver

New Mormon Stake in India

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as the Mormon Church) is a global faith that continues to grow in number. Through the prophet, Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ was organized with only 6 members on 6 April 1830 in Fayette, New York. In a little over 182 years Church membership has grown exponentially. According to the 2011 Statistical Report for 2012, presented at the April 2012 Annual General Conference of the Church, there are 55,410 missionaries serving full-time missions around the world, and Church membership numbers 14,441,346 members throughout the world, with more members living outside of the United States than inside. The Church of Jesus Christ is ranked by the National Council of Churches as the fourth largest Christian denomination in the United States [13], and is the largest Church originating on American soil. [14]

Another sign of Christ Church's worldwide outreach came on 27 May 2012 in Hyderabad, India, the capital of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, located on the banks of the Musi River in the Deccan Plateau in southern India. The momentous event that occurred on that day was the organizing of India's first stake (an administrative unit composed of multiple congregations called wards and branches, approximately comparable to a diocese in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations), the Hyderabad India Stake, by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Elders Donald L. Hallstrom and Anthony D. Perkins of the Seventy joined Elder Oaks in this important action. It is of noteworthy interest that the Church currently operates 2,946 stakes worldwide.

Maintaining a Church presence in India has not come without its challenges. Among other things, struggles with missionaries learning the native language hampered Church efforts to some extent. The first interest in establishing any contact with the Church in the country dates backs to 1849.

In 1849, two British, Thomas Metcalf and William A. Sheppard, wrote to the British Mission from India requesting information about the Church. At about the same time two recently baptized Mormon sailors, George Barber and Benjamin Richey, arrived in Calcutta, where they shared their limited gospel knowledge. Upon returning to England, Barber and Richey asked that missionaries be sent to Calcutta to teach and baptize several interested people.

Missionary Joseph Richards arrived in Calcutta in June 1851. He performed the first Latter-day Saint baptisms in India and organized a branch. William Willes replaced Richards in Calcutta later that year and Hugh Findlay began missionary work in Bombay. By May 1852, there were 189 baptized members in Calcutta, comprised of a few European converts and many local farmers. A short time later in August, James P. Meik was installed as Branch President in Calcutta. Over the next several months Meik built a small chapel, the first Church building in Asia. Findlay had little success in Bombay, but by September, had established a small branch of 12 members in Poona, where he also built a small chapel. (Source: Church News, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Country Information: India, Published: Friday, 29 January 2010.)

A few other missionaries were called from the Utah Territory in the 1850s, but their efforts did not thrive.

In a special conference held August 1852 in Salt Lake City, Brigham Young called 108 missionaries to serve throughout the world, nine of them in India: Richard Ballantyne, William F. Carter, William Fotheringham, Nathaniel V. Jones, Truman Leonard, A. Milton Musser, Robert Owens, Robert Skelton, and Samuel A. Woolley. They arrived in Calcutta on 25 April 1853 and found that the branch had largely disintegrated, with no more than eight members still active. On 29 April, they held a Church conference and appointed Nathaniel V. Jones as president of the East India Mission and the Calcutta Branch. The other elders were assigned to labor in Calcutta, Chinsura, Dinapore, and Madras. Other missionaries who had accompanied the group to India, departed for Burma, Siam, and Ceylon. [15]

Few people were baptized and the number of missionaries dropped after July 1854. Robert Skelton was the last missionary to leave in May 1856. At that time he estimated that there were a total of 61 members in India and Burma. James P. Meik presided over the Church in India from the time the missionaries left until 1869, when he immigrated to Utah. [16]

Most of the missionary teaching in India has been in English. However, the Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ) was translated in 1981 into the Telugu language. In 1981 government regulations allowed a missionary couple to establish a branch, and in 1993 a mission was created in Bangalore. Gucharan Singh Gill, a native of India, was called to serve as President of the mission. At that time there were 1,150 members in 13 branches, which increased to 2,000 members in 18 branches five years later. The first meetinghouse in India was dedicated on 2 February 2002, housing the Rajahmundry Branch. Today, approximately 10,000 Latter-day Saints live in India. [17]

Additional Resources