Mormon Scriptures Online

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often mistakenly called the Mormon Church, has its entire canon of scriptures and study aids online at

Mormon Scriptures Online

After eight years of work, in early 2013, the Church of Jesus Christ released its updated digital scriptures. This 2013 version — the first significant revision in more than 30 years — includes improved study aids, new photos and maps, and changes to chapter and section headings as well as many other improvements. Changes to the scriptural text include spelling, minor typographical, and punctuation corrections. The intent was to make helpful adjustments such as updating some archaic spellings, correcting mistakes in the study helps, and incorporating recent historic findings into the section headings of the Doctrine and Covenants. Minor typographical errors in spelling and punctuation in the text have been corrected to ensure fidelity to the earliest manuscripts and editions. [1]

Android and Apple mobile versions are also available. A print edition will be available in August of 2013. [2] The new print edition will correspond with prior editions, so verses found on one page number will still correlate.

Annotations that readers have made in their Gospel Library accounts will automatically transfer to the new digital scriptures.

The last updates to LDS Church scriptures was in 1981, with full cross-referencing added, the Bible Dictionary, Topical Guide, and other study aids. Members shouldn't have to buy new scriptures (Mormons tend to get attached to their scriptures when they have performed years of highlighting and marginal notes), because they can access the new ones online.

Links to the Various Scriptures and Study Aids