Taipei Taiwan Temple

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The Taipei Taiwan Temple is the 31st operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The country of Taiwan was first introduced to the Mormon Church in the mid 1950's by US servicemen who held Church meetings where and when they could. In 1956 missionaries from the Southern Far East mission arrived.

The printing of the Book of Mormon in Chinese in 1965 was a great boon to the local members, who had waited for years to have the book available in their own language. It was the announcement and building of the Taipei Taiwan Temple, however, that the Taiwanese Saints had waited for and proved to be the greatest development in the history of the Church in that land. 3

After the announcement of the temple in 1981, the Church leaders decided to build on the site of the mission home in the center of Taipei. Church leaders hoped that the beauty of the temple would attract the attention of people passing by. In years to come, the temple was acknowledged as one of the most beautiful buildings in Taiwan.

On November 17, 1984 President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the Taipei Taiwan Temple. The temple is built on one-half of an acre and has over 16,000 square feet with an exterior of white ceramic tile. Many have come to marvel at the beauty of this extraordinary building. There are four ordinance rooms and three sealing rooms.

Ever since the Taipei Taiwan Temple was dedicated in 1984, it has had a great impact on the nation. One of the main reasons for that influence is the importance the Chinese place on families. The relations the Mormon Church has with the Taiwanese government is good in part because of this emphasis on family and family history.


  1. "The First 100 Temples", by Chad Hawkins, p89

See also

External links